- Czech Republic
- Albania
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- Bosnia and Herzegovina
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- United Kingdom
- Vatican City
- Aland Islands dep. Finland
- Balearic Islands dep.Spain
- Corsica dep. Francie
- Crete dep. Greece
- Cyprus dep. Turkish fed. State
- Gibraltar dep. UK
- Ireland Northern dep. UK
- Sardinia dep. Italy
- Rhodes Islands dep. Greece
- Scotland dep. UK
- Sicily dep. Italy
- Srpska Rep. dep. Bosna
- Wales dep. UK
- Transdniester Moldova dep. Mold/Russia
- Jersey dep. UK
- Guernsey dep. UK
- Isle of Man dep. UK
- Italy
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- Ukraine
VICTOR HUGO HOUSE na ostrově Guernsey
Na ostrově Guernsey ve meste Saint Peter Port jsem navštívil dům Victora Huga. Dle francouzského průvodce dům koupil za penize, ktere ziskal prodanim sve anthologie Les Contemplations publikovane v roce 1856.
Victor Hugo byl odsouzen na několik let do vyhnanstvi pro svůj odpor ke Coup d’etat (státní převrat) Napoleonem III (synovcem Napoleona Bonaparte). Měl zakázaný pobyt v Bruselu a na vedlejsim ostrove Jersey. Na ostrově Guernsey žil v letech 1856 – 1870. Zajímavé je, že to byl jediny dum, ktery si tento slavny francouzsky spisovatel kdy koupil. V Parizi, kde trávil vetsinu svého zivota, žil údajně v pronájmu.
Čti dál
NO-16Channel Islands, UK (Normanske ostrovy)-Jersey & Guernsey
Date of travel: Jun 23 – Jun 30, 2016
On Jun 23, 2016 thanks to a storm over southern England my plane departs Prague, Czech Republic for London Heathrow early in the afternoon with 1.5 hrs delay. After 1.5 hrs flight we land in London. From Heathrow to Gatwick airport by bus. In Gatwick I am late for my plane to Island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. However, no plane departed that afternoon to the islands due to bad weather. Spending night on the airport and buying a new air ticket, I fly to GUERNSEY the following morning and taking a ferry from there to JERSEY, where with one day loss I am back at my original schedule.
On Jun 25 I take a sightseeing tour by bus around the Island of Jersey. Next day afternoon I take a ferry back to Island of Guernsey. Here I spent next 2.5 days visiting nearby Island of Sark and using the regular bus transportation around the Island of Guernsey. Then another ferry ride to Jersey for one night. On Jun 30 a flight to Gatwick, a bus ride to Heathrow and a flight to Prague.
Travel office: Fischer, Czech travel office arranged my solo trip.
Who took part: I traveled alone.