- Papua New Guinea
- Samoa
- Solomon Islands
- Tonga
- Tuvalu
- Vanuatu
- Bismark Archipelago Pap & NG dep.
- Cook Islands dep. New Zeal.
- French Polynesia dep. France
- Galapagos Islands dep. Ecuador
- Guam dep. USA
- Hawaiian Islands dep. USA
- New Caledonia & deps France
- Northern Marianas dep. USA
- Pitcairn Island dep. New Zeal.
- Samoa, American dep. USA
- New Zealand
- Palau
- Nauru
- Micronesia
- Marshall Islands
- Karibati
- Fiji
- Easter Islands dep. Chile

SP-93 SOUTH PACIFIC (Florida, CHILE, Easter Island, Pitcairn Island, French Polynesia)
Date of travel: Mar 17 – Apr 6, 1993
On Mar 17, 1993, early in the morning a fellow employee drives me to San Diego airport. Delta Airlines plane takes me via Dallas Ft. Worth to Jacksonville in Florida where in midafternoon. I spend the evening with the sales personal of Monitor the company we are all working for. Next day a drive with the sales person along the eastern coast of Florida with a stop at “St. Augustine Fortress.” At noon, we are in Melbourne. In the afternoon, a visit to a Monitor customer. At night, a dinner with Monitor representatives.
In the morning on Mar 19 a visit to 3 customers. That finishes my work for Monitor. At noon, I rent a car and drive to Orlando. Later in the afternoon, I visit “Epcot Center” with pavilions of various countries. Overnight in a hotel.
On Mar 20, I drive to visit “Kennedy Space Center” on Cape Canaveral. Then I continue freeway 95 south to Miami. When there I take a causeway to Miami Beach. After the sunset, I return the rented car to AVIS at the airport. Later I board a Lan Chile plane and fly via Caracas to Santiago de Chile.
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