Ecuador 1996

GALAPAGOS - San Cristobal Island - some of our group and our guide 1996

GALAPAGOS - San Cristobal Island - sea lion 1996

GALAPAGOS - San Cristobal Island - sea lions1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island - our Sea Cloud 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Swallow-tailed Gulls 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Masked Boobies 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Swallow-tailed Gulls and Marine Iguana 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - baby Great Frigatebird 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Lava Cactus 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Masked Booby 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - on our Sea Cloud 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - swimmING from a sandy beach 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Swallow-tailed Gulls 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Galapagos Doves 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - Red-footed Boobies 1996

GALAPAGOS - Tower Island (Genovesa Island) - sea lion 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Sugar Bread Volcano 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - view of Isabela Island - tourist ships 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Marine Iguana 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Marine Iguana 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Sally Lightfoot Crabs 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Marine Iguanas 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - sea lions 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Galapagos Hawk 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - our group of 9 and the tour guide 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Sally Lightfoot Crabs 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Marine Iguana 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) 1996

GALAPAGOS - on Sea Cloud 1996

GALAPAGOS - on Sea Cloud - captain 1996

GALAPAGOS - on Sea Cloud - my cabin 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Buccaneer Cove - from Sea Cloud 1996

GALAPAGOS - James Island (Santiago) - Buccaneer Cove - from Sea Cloud - Monk 1996

GALAPAGOS - Bartolome Islet 1996

GALAPAGOS - Bartolome Island - Brown Pelicans 1996

GALAPAGOS - Bartolome Islet 1996

GALAPAGOS - Bartolome Islet - our group 1996

GALAPAGOS - Bartolome Islet 1996

GALAPAGOS - Bartolome Islet - on the top 1996

GALAPAGOS - Bartolome Islet - Galapagos Penquins ,Brown Pelicans and Sally Lightfoot 1996

GALAPAGOS - Sea Cloud - kitchen - our cook 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Puerto Ayora 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Puerto Ayora 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Charles Darwin Research Center 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Charles Darwin Research Center - Giant Tortoise 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Charles Darwin Research Center - Giant Tortoise 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Charles Darwin Research Center 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Puerto Ayora - Marine Iguana 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Puerto Ayora 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Puerto Ayora 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Puerto Ayora 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Cruz Island - Puerto Ayora 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Sea Lions 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Opuntia echios (Galapagos prickly pear)1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Land Iguena 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Sally Lightfoot Crabs 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Galapagos Flycatcher 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Sea Lions 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Yellow Warbler 1996

GALAPAGOS - Santa Fe Island - Sea Lions - the sailING boat is Sea Cloud 1996

GALAPAGOS - San Cristobal - Puerto Baquerizo Moreno 1996

GALAPAGOS - San Cristobal - Magnificent Frigatebirds 1996

GALAPAGOS - San Cristobal 1996